SEMW Diesel Hammers used in the construction of the Asya Port Project

Asia Port Project SEMW D-62 Diesel Hammer
Asia will be the most important ports of Turkey to Port of Port Construction rapidly continues: Sea kazıklarında SEMW used diesel hammers. ASYAPORT, the organization planning an international transit port (main port - Hub Port) are being built as a. Tekirdag Central, Barbara Town of infrastructure construction, job site finished, filling operations on May Nisan/2009. Certificate for the Encouragement of Investment was on Aralık/2009. Construction of the necessary technical permissions, approvals and authorizations received, permission to use the contract was signed.
Turkey, for the first time will be 1000 meters long, cylindrical floating breakwater marina application. Istanbul Technical University, the laboratories of floating breakwater model tests have been completed successfully. ASYAPORT project has an annual capacity of 2 million 500 thousand containers in the first operation will begin service with a capacity of 1 million containers. Half of this capacity is 500,000 pieces of container, unloading and installation of MSC (Mediterranean Shipping Company) is provided with the agreement..

Asian Model Port Project
"Deep Sea Container Terminal" 2010 meters of quay length is defined ASYAPORT'un depths ranged from -10 to -20 meters. ASYAPORT Harbor, thanks to the selected location and a very large cranes used in ships, not the people who started the world's seas VERY VERY LARGE CONTAINER SHIPS time yet (for example, Super Post Panamax vessels with a capacity of 13,000 TEU) has been organized to serve. ASYAPORT harbor, all the industrial regions of Thrace and Istanbul highway, divided by using means of transport is fulfilled and Tekirdağ-Muratli rail link to central Europe, the Balkans and Black Sea ports of kurulabilmesinin next to all the small vessels, the economic gulf and southern shores of the Marmara and you will be able to serve as fast.

Asia-Port Port - SEMW D-62 Diesel Hammer

ASYAPORT Container Port and major ports of all the modern world, when the study started to use X-rays will be controlled customs operations.

ASYAPORT about the construction of the port;

170,000 m3 of high quality durable concrete used in the sea. It is possible to do so with concrete apartment 100 m2 of 5000. The new earthquake regulations and in accordance with the dimensions used in the calculations as a result of the huge cranes used 31,000 tons of steel pipe pile and the sea çakılacaktır 33,000 meters. (Almost as Tekirdağ Marmara Eregli), 10,000 tons of rebar, 1,000 tons of various steel profiles and sheet metal also used in construction. ASYAPORT port, dual container giant cranes weighing 1,500 tons will be used elleçleyen.

Asia-Port Port - SEMW D-62 Diesel Hammer

This is so much greater than the energy required to operate cranes in order to meet this need that the withdrawal of the port will need a special high-voltage line. (For example: If the size you need, all the brick factories in the region of a larger installed capacity of the transformer is needed.) By the middle of this special cranes and other equipment for the construction of the port to use qualified personnel, and they will be sent to education in the country and abroad. Rail route linking Europe with Turkey on 14 April 2007 laid the foundation and the building reached completion. Barbara City Council back to the area of ​​5 million m2 area of ​​the Port of ASYAPORT Vent industrial and warehouse space as planned, to take place 1/25.000 scale environmental design plans being studied. State road 30 meters wide port to connect to the path projected by the General Directorate of Highways and plans have been approved by the City Council Barbara. This important project gives individuals and organizations to Turkey would like to thank a thousand times. Countries Limalanları ratings and capacities of development are evaluated. Turkey's power will be more complete, a coat of AsyaPort.


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